Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break is Kicking My A$$

I'm exhausted. J doesn't have school this week, so I have both kids, a REALLY HEAVY freelance workload, and a bunch of things to cook for Friday to help my mom (Passover dinner). I love having work come in, but I'm afraid to turn anything down because I don't want to get passed over for a projects, so I say yes to everything. Just like high school. (A little "teenager with low self esteem" humor for you. At my own expense though, so that's ok, right?)

On Monday, which seems like AGES ago now, my friend Barbara brought her two boys down and she helped me start my garden planting. Thanks to her, the strawberry pot has strawberry plants in it, the basil was potted, and the seeds for my lettuce, spinach, and kale are in the ground. Added bonus: she put in my gladiola bulbs and zinnia seeds in the front. Now I just need to wait for May 1 to buy my plants for the garden and flowers for the pots. Can't wait.

I'd fill up our week with crafts, but we've been outside almost constantly because the weather is so nice and there are so many kids in our neighborhood. That's been a lot of fun, and having close friends who live just yards away makes me really happy for El-D. Also, he's been doing a lot of coloring on his own, which has me completely surprised and thrilled. All of a sudden he's my little artist. Right now the theme is Angry Birds. He was drawing the red one today and was getting upset because it looked sad, not angry. I had to show him how to use eyebrows to turn a face from sad to angry. There's a trick that will serve him well for years to come. Baby N crawls around the house with crayons clutched in his little fists.

So this photo is of El-D's Angry Birds. Note the eyebrows on the red one.The green ones are evil pigs. Are evil pigs a thing? I'm not very Angry Birds literate.

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