Monday, April 16, 2012

Confessions of a Sugar Junkie

I'm a sugar addict. I I DEFY anyone out there to eat more sweets in one sitting than I can. I promise you I'll win. I've been known, in times of desperation, to take the stuff straight from a dixie cup. 

AND...I'm on a sugar fast. 2 days, no sugar, and I'm already in a tailspin. I want cake. Scratch that. I want icing. Here's how it all began:

My friend B and I were discussing the reports out about sugar being toxic and deadly and cancerous and awful. (Full disclosure -I know this is a hot news item right now, but I haven't read anything about it because I'm taking the typical Hilary approach - if I didn't hear about it, it isn't true). Anyway, B read that when you eat sugar it lights up all the places in your brain that also light up when you take addictive drugs. To me, this makes sense. Once I have a taste of something sugary, I turn into cookie monster and devour everything in sight. 

A few days later, my friend, D and I were talking sugar, and how she's trying to cut down, or cut it out entirely. We decided to do it together. D suggested a week. I suggested a day, and that we start after Passover because if you take bread and sugar away from me all at once, my brain will EXPLODE. Then we settled on 2 days, starting on today.

I think D is going all out, and avoiding hidden sugars, which according to her are THE MOST INSIDIOUS KIND. I'm not as hard-core - I'm cutting out all the stuff that is obviously sugar-filled - the desserts, candy, nips of brown sugar, tablespoons of honey... the stuff I can't believe I'm admitting to in a public forum.

Sugar aside, my diet is pretty healthy, I work out regularly, and chase 2 kids around with great frequency. I go off the rails with the desserts, so my hope is that getting the sugar under control will help me with that pesky weight loss resolution - Wedding Weight by (gulp) 40.

Hopefully I'll make it through 2 days of sugar detox, and then maybe another day, then another more. My end goal is to think differently about sugar - instead of snacking on sweets throughout the day, see it as a treat to have and savor for  special occasions.

Wish me luck!

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